What to do in a Dental Emergency?

Dental Care

Emergencies are never planned, and a dental emergency can be particularly daunting. Whether it’s sudden tooth pain or an unexpected accident, knowing what to do in such a situation can make all the difference. In this blog, let’s get to know the useful dental advice that everyone should keep in mind.
  1. Stay Calm, Assess the Situation
If there’s a dental emergency, stay calm and check the situation first. Panicking can make it hard to think clearly and make good decisions. In case of severe pain, bleeding, or difficulty breathing during the emergency, be sure to call emergency services immediately.
  1. Dental Tips for Common Emergencies
  • Toothache: Gargle with warm water, use gentle floss to clean between your teeth and take pain relievers if necessary. Don’t put aspirin directly on your gums because it can irritate them.
  • Knocked-out Tooth: If a tooth comes out, hold it by the top part, not the root. Rinse it gently and try to put it back in the gap. If that’s not possible, keep it in milk or saliva and see a dentist within 30 minutes.
  • Broken or Chipped Tooth: Save any broken pieces, rinse your mouth with warm water, and use a cold pack to reduce swelling. Go to a dentist as soon as you can for further help.
  1. Seek Professional Help
In a dental emergency, it’s important to call your dentist right away. They can give you advice over the phone and set up an urgent appointment if needed. Waiting can make things worse, so act quickly to get the care you need. Incase of any dental Emergency Reach us at +91 94444 11219.
  1. Elderly Dental Care at RMD Group of Hospitals
Elderly individuals may face unique challenges, such as compromised oral health due to ageing or underlying conditions. Here are some additional dental care tips for seniors:
  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Prevention is the best medicine. Getting regular check-ups with your dentist is like giving your teeth a superhero shield. We can detect any problems early on by visiting the dentist, which helps stop the minor problem from turning into big, scary emergencies.
  • Denture Care: If you wear dentures, clean them daily and remove them at night to give your gums a break.
  • Stay Hydrated: Dry mouth is common among seniors, often caused by medications. Stay hydrated, chew sugar-free gum, and use saliva substitutes to alleviate dry mouth symptoms.
  • Gentle Oral Hygiene: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to protect sensitive gums. If manual dexterity is a challenge, consider an electric toothbrush for easier use.
  1. Stock a Dental Emergency Kit
Being prepared can make managing a dental emergency easier. Consider having a small dental emergency kit at home, including:
  • Non-prescription pain relievers
  • Sterile gauze
  • A small container with a lid (for storing a knocked-out tooth)
  • Dental floss
  • Temporary dental cement for loose crowns or fillings
Remember, these tips are not a substitute for professional advice. In any dental emergency, consult with your dentist for personalised guidance. In conclusion, staying calm, assessing the situation, seeking professional help, and being proactive with regular dental care are essential steps for managing dental emergencies. For seniors, incorporating these practices into their routine can contribute to maintaining good oral health and well-being.

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